The Tom James Experience


More than a stylist

Your Tom James Clothier is dedicated to valuing your time and money. Your clothier is more than someone who sells you the latest looks and fashion. Rather, they develop a relationship with you, the client.

Your Clothier will celebrate with you in all of the important moments of your life, and make sure that you are dressed well during those moments.

What were you wearing when you won your first big case or business deal? Did it look and fit as well as you felt at that moment? Tom James Clothiers are here to ensure that you look and feel the part everyday!

Measuring Tools Specifically Developed for Tom James Company

Get Started Today!

Learn more about our product & services from a world-class clothier and see if a professional wardrobe service fits your lifestyle.

If we're a good fit, our clothier will meet with you in your home or office at your conveinience.

We use your zip code to align you with the nearest Tom James Clothier. We use your email and phone number to contact you and schedule your wardrobe consultation. See our Privacy Policy for details.


"Lindsey, | | I am reaching out to give feedback on how I have just had an awesome Tom James experience so far. To start, I am not going to lie I was somewhat skeptical. My current district advisor here and former both loved their suits and it's something that I needed to do, but I was unsure what a difference it would make in my profession. All I can say, is about a year later, WOW. | | Not a single day goes by where I wear my three-piece and see someone and get compliments on my attire. It literally is a game changer in increasing the professionalism associated with my practice. That has been absolutely incredible and I recommend you to many folks just in the level of quality with your product. That, however, isn't the best part. | | The best part is the ongoing relationship where I know you have my best interest at heart. You push me outside my comfort zone in building my professional wardrobe."

Custom Clothier Lindsey Tovar

Lindsey Tovar

Tom James of El Paso

"Phenomenal experience and exceptional customer service. It was awesome to work with Sarina to get those staple "power suits" and a few jackets that I know I can always rely on to make me feel confident on a day that I just don't have time to worry about my clothes. More importantly, the few moments I spent with her brought a little bit of lighthearted joy during my chaotic day. If you like clothes and being pampered as much as I do, make sure to reach out to Sarina."

Custom Clothier Sarina Brion

Sarina Brion

Tom James of Madison
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